Non-formal classes for adult and children

The MUC has been running non-formal classes for adults and children. Previously illiterate adults are now able to read and write essential things like their name, address and so on, where as children are encouraged and able to read before they admit in school for formal class.

Administrative Progress:

  1. MUC has recruited two employees for the easier solution of consumer's problems, which are now dealt with effectively and practically.
  2. It has managed to purchase a computer and printer to manage administrative expenses and to keep record of the accounts and paperwork in a more sustainable, professional and practical way.
  3. The official work of the User Committee is run from its own permanent building which was constructed from the budget of 2004/2005 and consists of one office room and one training hall. The total investment was NRs. 535,386.
  4. The User Committee offers its room to local organizations for the purpose of various training programs, meetings and ceremonies.